
  • Ni Made Ayu Sukmadewi Udayana University


MSMEs, Integrated Services, PLUT-KUMKM


This study explores the optimization of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) through integrated services at the Integrated Business Service Center (PLUT-KUMKM) in Klungkung Regency. MSMEs are vital to the local economy, yet they face significant challenges such as limited access to finance, marketing, and technology. The research employed a qualitative descriptive approach, utilizing interviews, observations, and documentation as the main data collection methods. Interviews were conducted with MSME owners, PLUT-KUMKM staff, and local government representatives. The findings reveal that while PLUT-KUMKM has made significant strides in supporting MSMEs, its reach remains limited due to resource constraints, low awareness among MSMEs, and geographical barriers. Many MSMEs in remote areas are still unaware of the available services, and financial constraints continue to hinder their growth. However, the integrated services offered by PLUT-KUMKM have positively impacted many MSMEs by improving their business practices, product quality, and marketing strategies. The research recommends increasing awareness, expanding digital platforms for remote services, and improving access to financing options to optimize the effectiveness of PLUT-KUMKM services


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How to Cite

Made Ayu Sukmadewi , N. (2025). OPTIMIZATION OF MSMES THROUGH INTEGRATED SERVICES AT THE PLUT-KUMKM. Global Research and Innovation Edutech Journal, 1(1), 246–249. Retrieved from https://journaledutech.com/index.php/great/article/view/49